Sunday 4 March 2012

Why Is This News 39: Deadspin?s Drew Magary on his new novel

Why Is This News 39: Deadspin?s Drew Magary on his new novelSuppose they figured out a cure for aging. You could still die, sure, but you'd never grow old. Sweet deal, right? Yeah ... until you realize things like the fact that you can never, ever quit your job. And oh, it could get worse. Much, much worse.

That's the premise of "The Postmortal," the new novel by Drew Magary. Long known as one of the key voices behind Deadspin and Kissing Suzy Kolber, Drew joins us on the latest podcast to talk about the book, the trap of sportswriting, the joys of writing articles that inspire murderous emails (turns out people get upset when you bust on Charlie Brown, link NSFW), and oh so much more. It's fun stuff, though there may be a bad word or two dropped along the way, so don't play this one at your church youth group or anything.

Oh, and be sure to check out Drew's Tumblr for all kinds of ways to get hold of the book. Highly recommended.

WHY IS THIS NEWS is the Yahoo! Sports Blogs' all-sports podcast, covering sports (and movies, and television, and whatever else strikes our fancy) through the eyes of our esteemed experts. We, as always, are Jay Busbee, the editor of From The Marbles and Devil Ball, and Kevin Kaduk, the editor of Big League Stew, and you are our reader/listener, and we thank you for that.

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Why Is This News 39: Drew Magary of Deadspin, KSK and 'The Postmortal'

Why Is This News 37: Busted Racquet?s Chris Chase on the U.S. Open


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