Tuesday 17 January 2012

Video: Bowler doesn?t let go of ball, falls in gutter

Video: Bowler doesn?t let go of ball, falls in gutter

Josh Blanchard wasn't having a very good day on the lanes. The PBA rookie was rolling a 129 in the ninth frame of a World Championship qualifier in Las Vegas. Then, it went from bad to much, much worse.

Note that, except for the guy recording his television for YouTube upload purposes, nobody laughs. Not the fans, not the announcers, not the opponents, not the guy himself. To listen to their seriousness, you'd have thought Blanchard had seriously injured himself, not made himself the subject of what will become the greatest bowling blooper clip of all time.

Thanks, Deadspin

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/post/video-bowler-doesnt-let-go-of-ball-falls-in-gutter?urn=top,wp344

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